Captain Coaster Mobile App Re-Design
As a roller coaster enthusiast and avid user of the Captain Coaster logging and ranking website, I have noticed plenty of shortcomings with regards to the user interface of the site’s mobile iteration. As such, I sought to attempt to identify and remedy these flaws, starting with the app’s coaster ranking user flow.
For this particular project, I made the decision to focus primarily on the site’s main roller coaster ranking interface, ironing out some of the issues I had gleaned from my time using the interface, as well as trying to identify further improvements that could be made to increase ease of use. The original mobile web application for Captain Coaster, while functional in fulfilling the user’s needs at the base level, is quite lacking in visual consistency and identity. The visual disparity between the viewing and editing states of the ranking page is one such example of this, providing an “Update” button at the top of the viewing state, while the “Save” button is at the very bottom of the editing state. Multiple such instances of this disparity exist on just this page alone.